
Power On : The History of Video Games


Power On : The History of Video Games



The Project

Power On is a 3 part documentary on the history of video games, starting with the early days of the arcade, leading to the console wars of today.

The Approach

The show package for Power On : The History of Video Games was created to pay homage to the iconic video games and consoles of the past. Using 3D models of some of the most recognizable gaming systems, the open follows a timeline of video games connecting the past and present through digitized transitions.

An entire graphics package was created, inspired by the 8-bit games of old. Included in the package were titles, slates, lowers, and billboards. 


Titles Montage



Roles : Art Direction, Motion Design, Illustration
Tools : After Effects, Cinema 4D, Illustrator, Photoshop
Produced at Winnercomm

Client : Gameplay HD
Production : Winnercomm